By Karen Rubin, News & Photo Features
Less than two hours before Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump would take the stage for the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Commander-in-Chief Forum aboard the USS Intrepid, he was at the Marriott Marquis accepting the nomination for president of the New York State Conservative Party.
Addressing a gathering of a couple of hundred people, he spent about 10 minutes of the 25 minutes he spoke relating the story of how he came to the rescue of the ice skating rink at Central Park.

“I took over the project after Ed Koch didn’t want me to do it and the newspaper said ‘let Trump do.’ There was a lot of pressure, but I did it in four months and has been tremendously successful,” he told the crowd, adding the moral of the story, “We have to do the same for New York state. We have to bring back our businesses and we can’t let the remaining businesses here go.”

He said that in touring New York State during the Republican primary – which he won in a landslide – he saw what a mess the state was, saying, “It’s so sad, when I toured the state during the primaries, and I got to see every part of the state. I was in Syracuse and I was in Albany and I was everywhere. And I saw those great, beautiful buildings that were empty and rotting and falling down from the wind and the rain and the snow and they’re all over the state.
He vowed to restore businesses and bring back jobs from Mexico where all the New York jobs have fled. He said he met a man who built factories, who said his business was going great. Really, where are you building factories? Mexico, the man told him.
That will change under a Trump presidency. Believe it.
“And there’s no hope. There’s no hope other than if I become president, because there will be great hope. There will be great hope.”

Trump expressed confidence that he would win New York State and the presidency.
“I just want to tell you and I am being 100 percent serious, I think we are going New York,” Trump said. “Don’t forget, Hillary is not a New Yorker. I’m a real New Yorker folks, you will never get more of a New Yorker if you want a president than you are getting with me.”
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