Tag Archives: Long Island Progressive Coalition

Civil Rights Advocates React to Nassau County’s Ban on Wearing Masks in Public

Several organizations have reacted to Nassau County Legislature Republican supermajority passing and Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman signing a law banning the wearing of masks in public under penalty of $1000 fine and/or one year in prison. To put the new law into some context, Blakeman, who has served as Trump’s campaign lead in the county, also created an armed private militia that he could call up whenever he decides there is an emergency, and has passed a law banning transgender athletes from playing on women’s and girls’ teams. He also took under his own control $15 million in tourism promotion budgets and has reportedly raised $1 million from donors while not yet declaring a run for reelection: – Karen Rubin/news-photos-features.com

Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman signs a law banning the wearing of masks in public, surrounded by supporters, chiefly from the Jewish community, who cited antisemitic pro-Palestinian protests incited by the Israel-Hamas War that they said threatened their safety. Civil rights advocates, especially from the disability community, are vowing to sue © Karen Rubin/news-photos-features.com

From the Board of the Long Island Progressive Coalition

Long Island Progressive Coalition stands in solidarity with and joins the countless organizations across Long Island in condemning the Mask Transparency Act which was passed by the Nassau County Legislature and just signed into law by County Executive Bruce Blakeman.

We are appalled that the Republican majority brought this egregious bill to the floor. Although the Democratic minority contested the legislation during the hearing, their first decision to craft alternative legislation (still implementing some form of mask ban) and ultimately to abstain, does nothing for county residents. We condemn the county for the intimidation tactic of establishing an unwarranted large police presence at the hearing for this legislation.

This law which criminalizes the wearing of face coverings including protective masks in public places, infringes upon our Constitutional rights and creates unsafe conditions for many marginalized people, including people of color and those with health conditions and disabilities.

The stated purpose of this law—to curb hate crimes—is a farce and will not stop or deter those with ill intent. The true purpose of this act is to instill fear in those who lawfully exercise their right to protest, particularly those who have rallied in support of the Palestinian people as the Israeli government subjects them to genocide. Health concerns and fear of doxxing are valid and legitimate reasons to mask at protests, as well as in any other public space. Individuals who are not otherwise engaged in illegal conduct should not have to explain to law enforcement their reasons for masking. Nor should the police be given the power to determine whether an individual’s choice to wear a mask falls into one of the narrow exceptions provided by the statute, which undoubtedly will have a disproportionate impact upon black and brown communities that are already subject to over-policing and prosecution. 

Far from achieving a legitimate public safety objective, this legislation instead creates a public health hazard, especially in the midst of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic and a time when other epidemics are on the rise throughout the world, a time when many responsible people are choosing to mask to protect themselves and others. 

Long Island Progressive Coalition will always stand up for the dignity and safety of all of us. We call on the Attorney General of the State of New York to take Nassau County to court to strike down this draconian law and prohibit its enforcement.

Nassau Residents for Good Government (NRGG) Statement:

A bill signing ceremony for Nassau’s newly-passed anti-masking legislation is scheduled for August 14, 2025 at 1550 Franklin Avenue, Mineola. The legislation purports to address antisemitism. The bill is so poorly written that constitutional law experts expect it to be immediately overturned.  The nonpartisan group Nassau Residents for Good Government* (NRGG) has decried the legislation as smokescreen antisemitism – i.e., using antisemitism for political gain. 

There’s no question that nationally, bad actors on the left and right are fueling antisemitism and that it needs to be addressed. Will anti-masking legislation help? NRGG has not taken a position on the efficacy of mask banning to fight antisemitism. But from a good government perspective, legislation that will get overturned in court because it’s sloppily crafted, whatever its purported justification, is an outrage. Clearly, the Legislative majority could have drafted legislation that was not unconstitutionally vague and overbroad. Indeed, it could have adopted the legislation proposed by the minority, which specifically penalized masking while committing a crime and avoided criminalizing intent. As crafted, the legislation asks police officers to, essentially, read people’s minds to determine their “intent” in wearing a mask, which could be a recipe for abuse of power. Worse, the legislation gives unfettered discretion to law enforcement, which raises concerns it could be used to target particular groups or ethnicities. Indeed, minority leaders are concerned it could lead to hate and discrimination towards groups who wear masks due to health, cultural, and religious reasons.

Nassau residents will not be protected by this legislation. It will not be in any way effective in combating antisemitism. In advancing a bill that they know will not hold up in court, it appears that the purpose of the mask ban legislation is purely to score political points. Politicians get to announce that they are fighting antisemitism, while peddling sham legislation that won’t actually fight antisemitism. The only result will be Nassau residents’ tax dollars being used to pay politically-connected law firms tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in an ultimately-losing fight to defend this badly written legislation. 

Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Long Island stated: “While it remains important to take meaningful action at all levels of government to dismantle antisemitism, we wholeheartedly reject the Nassau County mask ban legislation as a good faith effort to promote Jewish safety. Banning masks endangers many communities, including Jewish people, disabled people, queer and trans people, Black and brown folks, Asians, and people at the intersection of these identities. We denounce this attempt to strip people of their rights in the false name of Jewish safety. Regardless of the identities of the legislators supporting this legislation, a mask ban makes Jewish Long Islanders less safe by restricting our access and our neighbors’ access to taking protective measures against COVID-19.”

It’s time our politicians stop fueling antisemitism to score political points – and that includes our Jewish elected officials. Nassau residents deserve better.